Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Respect Military and Orders Essay examples - 1072 Words
The Importance of Following Orders. Why is it important to follow orders and instructions? From a military standpoint the difference can mean life or death for a soldier. On the civilian side it can mean the loss of your job, loss of position, or loss of pay. There are many factors that play into each individual scenario. No two events are ever the same and the outcome can range from a verbal reprimand to the death of the individual. Orders are meant to be obeyed both explicitly and implicitly. There can be and should be no deviation from the prescribed order. In peacetime or during times of war we as soldiers do not have either the option or the privilege to take the orders issued to us into our own hands. The only time this is†¦show more content†¦Following orders is one of the most important things you do being in the Army, or any branch in the armed services, enlisted or reserve. Obedience is what enables the military to operate in an organized and effective manner which is clearly very important during challenging military situations. While many individuals can question the notion of obedience in daily their life, this luxury is often not available to us in the military, where the grand goals and aims require smooth internal functioning and coordination throughout the chain of command. Indeed, many of the standards that put up with and endure would be frowned upon outside the military, yet they are essential to our works success within. For example, punishment is never really deemed to be a positive occurrence in an average person’s life, whereas in the military, it is meant to strengthen ones determination and instill discipline. It also enables a person to learn and fully take on the importance of following orders in. Not following orders is not an optional choice that we in the armed forces can make upon signing that contract. In fact, the act of the act of disobedience is considered to be an infraction and a person who placed himself in such a situation can find himself facing negative counseling statements, or smoking’s. Thus, respect and obedience is of the utmost significance in the military as it helpsShow MoreRelatedNon-commissioned Officer and Respect1023 Words  | 5 PagesRespect is one the 7 Army Values and probably one of the most important in today’s Army. Discipline also works alongside respect even though it is not one of the Army Value’s; it falls under Self-less Service. You can’t have respect without discipline because it creates a sense of unity among soldiers which under extreme circumstances the military cannot afford to have any causality because of one individual’s decision to disrespect one of leaders appointed over me direct orders. 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