Thursday, December 26, 2019
Borderline Personality Disorder Is A Mental Health Condition
Borderline Personality disorder is a mental health condition that affects how an individual is able to think and how they may feel about themselves or others. These thoughts are severe enough that they can become problematic is a person’s day-to-day functioning or impact personal relationships they may have. Its general onset is early adulthood and may become better with age. With this type of personality disorder, the affected individual has an irrational fear of abandonment and has a difficult time being by themselves; however, their aggressive behavioral traits may drive others away, even when that is the exact opposite of the person’s intention. Causes The causes of borderline personality disorder are not completely understood, but it†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Having unstable social relationships that may be extremely tense. †¢ Cycles of changing ones self-identity and self-image. †¢ Feelings of emptiness. †¢ Mood swings that may last for days. †¢ Suicidal thoughts/behavior. †¢ Paranoia and loses contact with reality. (psychosis) †¢ Impulsivity. Treatment Dialectical Behavior therapy – this form of psychotherapy is most often the go-to choice. Because people with borderline personality disorders experience an overwhelming emotional functioning that may impede the normal thinking process, it is important to teach them how to regulate those emotions, along with coping skills. With this specific therapy, the affected person is taught to take control of their emotions thus taking more control of their own life. Schema-focused therapy – help to point out unmet needs from the past and present that may have lead to the development of a negative outlook on life. Transference-focused psychotherapy – tries to help the person understand why they are feeling the way they are and the difficulties it may have caused with social/family relationships. Hospitalization – may be necessary if the client with this disorder expresses intent to harm themselves, others or commit suicide, especially if they are experiencing a crisis. Medications – no drugs have been approved by the FDA yet to specifically treat borderline
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Respect Military and Orders Essay examples - 1072 Words
The Importance of Following Orders. Why is it important to follow orders and instructions? From a military standpoint the difference can mean life or death for a soldier. On the civilian side it can mean the loss of your job, loss of position, or loss of pay. There are many factors that play into each individual scenario. No two events are ever the same and the outcome can range from a verbal reprimand to the death of the individual. Orders are meant to be obeyed both explicitly and implicitly. There can be and should be no deviation from the prescribed order. In peacetime or during times of war we as soldiers do not have either the option or the privilege to take the orders issued to us into our own hands. The only time this is†¦show more content†¦Following orders is one of the most important things you do being in the Army, or any branch in the armed services, enlisted or reserve. Obedience is what enables the military to operate in an organized and effective manner which is clearly very important during challenging military situations. While many individuals can question the notion of obedience in daily their life, this luxury is often not available to us in the military, where the grand goals and aims require smooth internal functioning and coordination throughout the chain of command. Indeed, many of the standards that put up with and endure would be frowned upon outside the military, yet they are essential to our works success within. For example, punishment is never really deemed to be a positive occurrence in an average person’s life, whereas in the military, it is meant to strengthen ones determination and instill discipline. It also enables a person to learn and fully take on the importance of following orders in. Not following orders is not an optional choice that we in the armed forces can make upon signing that contract. In fact, the act of the act of disobedience is considered to be an infraction and a person who placed himself in such a situation can find himself facing negative counseling statements, or smoking’s. Thus, respect and obedience is of the utmost significance in the military as it helpsShow MoreRelatedNon-commissioned Officer and Respect1023 Words  | 5 PagesRespect is one the 7 Army Values and probably one of the most important in today’s Army. Discipline also works alongside respect even though it is not one of the Army Value’s; it falls under Self-less Service. You can’t have respect without discipline because it creates a sense of unity among soldiers which under extreme circumstances the military cannot afford to have any causality because of one individual’s decision to disrespect one of leaders appointed over me direct orders. 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Perhaps that is not perjury, but an army officer could not do that. Nor could army personnel have extramarital affairs. Kelly Flynn found that out when she lost her position in the Air Force and years of pilot training went down the drain. But for the Commander in Chief, it is another story. While it is true that the
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Cults Essay Research Paper CultsTypes of cultsTwo free essay sample
Cults Essay, Research Paper Cults Types of cults Two chief sorts of cults exist today: Messianic Cults This is a cult that has a leader. Whatever the leader orders his members to make must be done, whether it would be sacrifice or slaying, it must be done. In return the leader of the cult would # 8220 ; salvage # 8221 ; his followings. Mellenarian Cults This is a type of cult that refers to the 1,000 twelvemonth reign of Christ. These groups believe that dramatic events, such as the terminal of the universe or judgement twenty-four hours, will happen at the bend of the century. Traits of cults A feeling and a certainty of belief. A individual strong and powerful leader. A inclination to command communicating. A totalitarian mentality ; a position that religious life in the group must be present 24 hours a twenty-four hours, seven yearss a hebdomad. This would non let a member to make any avocations, work or involvements outside of the cult. Peoples who join cults There are four different types of people who participate in cults. The foremost type of people are normal people who come from integral households and bend to cults at a minute of trouble in there life. These people haven # 8217 ; t had any other jobs antecedently. The 2nd group of people are people who had jobs in there past in development and emotion. The 3rd and smallest group of cult members are psychotic indiv iduals. The 4th group of people feel as if they don # 8217 ; t tantrum into society. Different cults Charles Manson was neer near to his parents, for he neer met his male parent and his female parent was an alcoholic. This lead Manson through a confusing age. He was ever acquiring in problem with the jurisprudence. After he got out of prison he began to experiment with the psychedelic drug LSD. In San Francisco he learned how to speak like a hippy and sounded really wise, to lost and confused immature work forces and adult female. He ever looked for sad or disordered immature adult females. As he found them he talked to them, and they rapidly trusted him profoundly. In a short clip he had gathered up adequate immature adult females to be his slaves and make whatever he asked. This is were Charles Manson began his cult leading. Manson told four of his followings to interrupt into a affluent place in Los Angeles and kill everyone in it. The followings armed with knives and guns obeyed there maestro and murdered five guiltless people. The following dark Manson lead six of his followings to the LaBianca house a rich twosome lived together in. Manson tied the LaBianca # 8217 ; s up and ordered three cult members to put to death them. Now the Manson household fled to a distant portion of Death Valley in Southern California. There the household stole autos and continued to take drugs. Finally the Highway Patrol spotted the stolen autos outside and linked them to the slayings.
Monday, December 2, 2019
My Appeal Letter for Kingsborough free essay sample
All through my last semester I was having difficulty hearing the professors lectures; this was true even when I sat close to the front of the room. Now know that the FM system is available to me, and if I am reinstated, I would most certainly avail myself of this device. It would be fair to say that access to that equipment would have a significant and positive effect on my academic performance. Another reason why my academic performance got so bad was the fact that I didnt get Financial Aid during the Fall 2008 semester, so I was not able to obtain my books as soon as I would have liked.As a result, I found myself having to catch up to the rest of the class. This obviously put me at a bit of a disadvantage. If am given another chance, would not foresee this as being an issue in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on My Appeal Letter for Kingsborough or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since my last semester at Kingsbury, have completed 4 and a half months at a great business school called Grace Institute, where I studied computer-proficiency, business writing, office procedures, math and data processing. In preparation for resuming my studies, I plan to take fewer classes so that could focus on them more. I would also use the tutoring services at the Accessibility Center. I will need to get As Bis to be in good academic standing. One thing that learned this semester which is worthy of note is that my failures have been a wake up call of sorts. I now know how to avoid the distractions that get in the way of me focusing on my school work. I can look at them objectively and then choose to exercise my good judgment. All ask is to please be given another opportunity to change things. Thank you for your kind attention to my case.
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