Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Therapeutic
Question: Talk about the helpful relationship and mental injury or PTSD. Answer: Presentation The pressure which results from the upsetting circumstances encourages the range of the psycho-passionate just as the physiological results (Briere Scott, 2014). The post-horrendous pressure issue (PSTD) is the mental condition which results from the experience or seeing of the upsetting or possibly the perilous occasions. PSTD has an extraordinary psychobiological angle which corresponds and debilitate an individual regular day to day existence and could be hazardous circumstances. The PSTD has an extraordinary psychobiological associates that may harm an individual day by day dangerous (Cohen, Mannarino Deblinger, 2016). In light to the current occasions, a sharp ascent keeps on being shown to the patients that have the PTSD analysis which is anticipated inside the following decade (Briere Scott, 2014). PTSD is a noteworthy general medical problem which forces hoping to get the novel ideal models alongside the hypothetical models to have the option to strengthen the comprehension o f the condition and simultaneously grows as good as ever modes with regards to the treatment intercession. The injury occasions as a rule are significantly distressing. The pressure which results from the horrendous mishaps for the most part encourages a range of the psycho-passionate alongside the physiological results. In its gravest structure, this reaction has been analyzed as the mental issue that is important to the experience of the horrendous mishaps (Douglas, Woolfe, Strawbridge , Kasket Galbraith, 2016). The feature of the post awful pressure issue could result from the experience or essentially seeing the horrible or hazardous occasions, for example, the fear based oppressor assault, brutality wrongdoing or misuse, battle in the military, catastrophic events or possibly the savage individual attacks. The presentation to the natural poisons may result to the safe frameworks akins to the PTSD in various helpless people. The subjects who have PTSD all the more regularly could soothe the experience through bad dream just as the flashbacks (Cohen, Mannarino Deblinger, 2016). They report trouble with regards to dozing. On the part of the conduct they typically turns out to be fundamentally separated or even antagonized and they are all the more oftentimes exasperated by the important issue for example they may display sorrow , maltreatment of substance just as challenges related with the memory and discernment (Cowie Pecherek, 2017). This issue might prompt the impedance of capacity to work particularly in the social or the family life which all the more consistently could prompt the word related vulnerability, separates because of conjugal issues, dissension of the family and even issues in child rearing. This condition could be exceptionally extraordinary and can without much of a stretch lead to the impedance of an individual day by day life and now and again it could prompt the self-destructive incl inations of the patient. PTSD is commonly set apart by clear natural changes, extra to the mental side effects and it could be entangled in different issues the two of which could be physical and the psychological well-being (Cowie Pecherek, 2017). In this article it would investigate different issues, for example, openings and the difficulties in the remedial relationship of customer with the youth mental injury when they are locked in to different viewpoints, for example, humanistic, CBT and psychodynamic treatment. Openings and difficulties in the remedial relationship of a customer with a youth PTSD Humanistic Approach The strategy utilizes a wide scope of approaches with respect to conceptualization, remedial objectives and the mediation procedures in the part of PTSD. It accentuation the cognizance of human experience and a concentration to the customers instead of the indications (Craig Sprang, 2010). This is opportunity since the advisor become acquainted with the customer encounters and this is done through associating and becoming more acquainted with them better (Briere Scott, 2014). The mental issues are seen because of the hindered capacity to empower the patient to make legitimate, important and self-coordinated decision on how they live. Along these lines, the intercessions are focused on progressively the customer mindfulness and oneself comprehension (Briere Scott, 2014). The key perspective with respect to the humanistic methodology is on acknowledgment and development. These are the significant topics of existential treatment that are; customer duty and the opportunity. With regards to the PTSD the humanistic methodology may assist the customers with freeing themselves from incapacitating suppositions and the perspectives which empower them to live more full lives. The advisors by and large accentuate on the development and the self-completion instead of restoring their turmoil or maybe reducing it (McLean, Su, Carpenter Foa, 2017). This point of view targets offers cognizant procedures instead of the oblivious procedures alongside the past causes. The favorable position related to this methodology is that the restorative relationship fills in as the vehicles or the setting wherein there is cultivating of the mental development. The advisor attempts to make a remedial relationship that is warm particularly to the customers with a youth PTSD which is warm and tolerating alongside trust which the customers internal drive is realize in the sound bearing (Cowie Pecherek , 2017 ) . This hypothesis approach is critical to all the phases of customer recuperation proce ss, since it makes an establishment of regard to the customer and the common acknowledgment of the significance of their encounters. A portion of the key segment of this methodology incorporates the Abraham Maslow, who had advocated on the idea of the self-realization and Carl Rogers who had planned the individual focused treatment which is increasingly centered around the completeness of the individual involvement with a specific second (Craig Sprang, 2010). These segments demonstrate some helpful particularly at the treatment of customers who had endured PTSD at their adolescence. The stresses is the decision to look for help which is viewed as an indication of fortitude that could happen quickly, and setting the duty and the knowledge with the customer that they could follow. Difficulties of humanistic treatment approach As much as there are openings related in the restorative relationship of customer with the youth mental injury who have occupied with the humanistic methodology there are difficulties related to it. These are as per the following; Recognizing the main problems which are affecting the customer: The humanistic way to deal with remedial relationship incorporate the idea that the choice of the advisor ought to be made after interview with the customer (Cohen, Mannarino Deblinger, 2016). The test may emerge in this idea. One test is that it may not be anything but difficult to consistently recognize the main problems which are influencing the customer and simultaneously the customer could give clashing requirements and needs to the issues which are influencing them. Adjusting on the clashing issues of the customer could be a difficult undertaking in the humanistic methodology. Intellectual conduct treatment approach CBT is helpful intercession which includes systems for instance the utilization of the conversation or maybe the symbolism so as to return to an awful accident, stress the board and connection procedures, just as reexamining counterproductive injury related considerations and affiliation (Jarecki Greenwald, 2016). The noteworthiness of this procedure consolidates exceptionally viable sort of psychotherapy which is psychological treatment and the conduct treatment (Craig Sprang, 2010). The part of the conduct treatment depends on the learning hypotheses, which would help the customers particularly who have had PTSD in their youth to debilitate the associations between the problematic contemplations and circumstances just as their ongoing responses to them (Schnyder, Ehlers, Elbert, Foa, Gersons, Resick Cloitre, 2015). This is an open door on this treatment approach since the customer would have the option to debilitate on a portion of those horrendous associations they had throughout the years. Another preferred position of this treatment is on the intellectual treatment part, which shows the customers how certain reasoning examples could be the significant reason for their challenges by furnishing them with the twisted pictures and causing them to feel discouraged, on edge or even irate (Jarecki Greenwald, 2016). At the point when these two methodologies have been joined into the CBT, conduct treatment just as the subjective treatment could offer ground-breaking indication lightening and this could assist the customers with youth with PSTD to resume to their ordinary working. The subjective strategy has been lurched to be gainful as a fitting structure concerning the injury treatment given that the horrible experiences normally obstructs on the passionate procedure through conflicting with the prior intellectual diagrams (Gutermann, Schreiber, Matulis, Stangier, Rosner Steil, 2015). The subjective disharmony that happens at whatever point considerations, recollections and pictures of injury couldn't be accommodated with the current methods structures, which may bring about trouble. The subjective framework is commonly determined by the culmination inclination to coordinate the new data with the most inward models which depend on the more established data and the modification of both until they can concur (Knight, 2015). This strategy is therefore compelling with regards to such specific angles to the customers who have had encountered horrible encounters particularly in their adolescence. The customers could reappraise the occasions and furthermore practice on their subjective patterns they had composed already (Jarecki Greenwald, 2016). The ordinary responses just as the subjective procedures seen among the injury survivors could be depicted using the system of the psychological hypothesis (De Silva, 2014). This treatment involves working with the customer who has discernments to change feelings, musings just as
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
American Revolution - Research Paper Example Rousseau and Montesquieu successfully advanced republicanism, liberal idea, popularity based standards and strict resilience and along these lines, filled in as a significant antecedent to the American Revolution (Ray, 24). Notwithstanding critical political reason for the American Revolution, financial relations shaped inside American Colonies were further developed than those in Britain, accordingly further raising the development towards freedom. Political development towards American autonomy began with the primary Continental Congress, happened in 1774 at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Basically, it spoke to a show of representatives from twelve American states yet the Province of Georgia. The First Continental Congress settled on two significant political choices with first being blacklist declaration of British products and the second - declaration of Second Continental Congress (Schecter, 39). During the last mentioned, the United States Declaration of Independence has been proclaimed, a significant political advance to the power of a youthful state. Moreover, this political activity set off the sanction of the Articles of Confederation, which happened following a time of political conversations. During the American Revolution, political advancement has been consistently went with military activity, happening on the North America domain as well as globally (Higginbotham, 19). English military crusade set up against the Revolutionaries has been to a great extent amassed in Massachusetts. As per recorded assessment, the clashes of Lexington and Concord are viewed as the official start of the American Revolutionary War (Higginbotham, 22). The supposed Boston crusade brought about two outstanding occasions: probably the bloodiest clash of the war - the Battle of Bunker Hill (1775) and unification of settler local army into lucid standard armed force by George Washington. From the basic point of view, the early British military procedure in the North American has been perceived as inadequate due to a limited extent to the Secretary of State for Colonies Lord George Germain's clumsy administration. The absence of powerful coordination for the complete war exertion permitted the two principle British armed forces in North America - General Howe in New York and General John Burgoyne in Canada - to act nearly as free powers, instead of a synchronized group (Black, 117-121). In 1777, Burgoyne endeavored to cut off New England from the center states by driving south along the Richelieu River, through Lake Champlain, and down the Hudson River (Banes and Charles Royster, 94-99). To oppose Burgoyne's development, George Washington with recently shaped Continental Army surged fortifications north to Philip Schuyler and Horatio Gates, while keeping his residual power in New Jersey where he could safeguard
Friday, August 21, 2020
PSA new HASS concentration in Computing and Society
PSA new HASS concentration in Computing and Society The Tech has an article out this morning about a new HASS concentration in Computing and Society that I am stupidly geeked about and want to share with you. First things first: as you may know, the foundation of the MIT education is the GIRs (our core curriculum), atop which you scaffold whatever major(s) and minor(s) your little dork heart desires. However, an MIT convention that spans the two is the HASS concentration, a student-chosen area of focus within the HASS requirement that does not quite rise to the level of a minor01 Although, if a minor is offered in the same field, a student may extend their concentration into a minor in the same field. but does offer more coherence and depth in a single field. As I mentioned in my blog post about the new College of Computing, which coordinates computing education, research, and infrastructure across MITs five schools, there is a strong interest in the intersection of humans and computing at MIT, and a rapidly-developing formal curriculum to support it. And, as someone who has taught MIT undergrads in this area, including one of the courses featured in the new concentration, I have seen just tremendous, insatiable intellectual hunger in recent years among our students for more initiatives like this. Heres how the HASS website describes the new concentration: The Computing and Society Concentration introduces students to critical thinking about computation and its technologies, making clear the relevance of MITs humanisitic fields to the science and engineering coursework at MIT, as well as to students future careers. Drawing together classes from nine MIT-SHASS units, this concentration helps MIT students understand that “computation†is not just a technical process but also a socio-cultural practice with profound human implications, and that the humanities and social sciences offer insights to improve the social, cultural, and political impact of future computing tools. Students who complete the concentration will gain a greater understanding of how changes in computational power have refashioned fundamental questions about community, identity, democracy, and knowledge itself. Students majoring in computing fields will gain greater fluency to analyze the tools they work with, and also new ideas about applications. Students will learn to factor in new variables and pose new kinds of questions about what might constitute the successes and failures of innovation. You can read more quotes from faculty leaders in the Tech article. Students who wish to concentrate in Computing and Society will select four of any of the following subjects (click the links to read course description): Anthropology (Course 21A) 21A.311 The Social Life of Medical Devices, HASS-S 21A.500J Technology and Culture, HASS-S 21A.504J Cultures of Computing, HASS-S 21A.505 The Anthropology of Sound, HASS-S Comparative Media Studies/Writing (CMS Course 21W) CMS.314J Phantasmal Media: Theory and Practice, HASS-A CMS.360 Introduction to Civic Media, HASS-H CMS.361 Networked Social Movements, HASS-S CMS.595 Learning, Media, and Technology, HASS-S CMS.614J Network Cultures, HASS-H CMS.616J Games and Culture, HASS-S CMS.701 Current Debates in Media, HASS-H Global Studies and Languages (Course 21G) 21G.036 Advertising and Media: Comparative Perspectives, HASS-H 21G.067 Digital Media in Japan and Korea, HASS-H 21G.199 Chinese Youths and Web Culture, HASS-H History (Course 21H) 21H.383 Technology and the Global Economy, HASS-S Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24) 24.09 Minds and Machines, HASS-H, CI-H 24.131 Ethics of Technology, HASS-H 24.222 Decisions, Games, and Rational Choice, HASS-H Literature (Course 21L) 21L.017 The Art of the Probable, HASS-H, CI-H 21L.355 Literature in the Digital Age Political Science (Course 17) 17.265 Public Opinion and American Democracy, HASS-S 17.309J Science, Technology, and Public Policy, HASS-S, CI-H 17.445 International Relations Theory in the Cyber Age, HASS-S 17.447 Cybersecurity, HASS-S Science, Technology, and Society (STS) STS.002 Finance and Society, HASS-S, CI-H STS.005J Data and Society, HASS-H STS.044 Technology and Self: Things and Thinking, HASS-S STS.047 Quantifying People: A History of Social Science, HASS-S STS.083 Computers and Social Change, HASS-H STS.085J Foundations of Information Policy, HASS-S Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) WGS.111 Gender and Media Studies, HASS-H WGS.115 Gender and Technology, HASS-H WGS.151 Gender, Medicine, and Public Health, HASS-S WGS.224 Race, Gender and Social Inequality: Reproductive Health Care in the United States, HASS-S And, while Im on this kick, the Program on STS just released their fall lineup of talks and I am hyped for it, so Im attaching it to the bottom of this blog post in case youre in the area for any of them and want to drop by! Although, if a minor is offered in the same field, a student may extend their concentration into a minor in the same field. back to text ?
Monday, May 25, 2020
Marketing Strategies For Entry Into China And North America
Firms pursue an international strategy in order to take advantage of the larger market for potential consumers and buyers of products and services on a global basis, as compared to the limited markets available in the home countries of businesses. In this way, expansion into the international market presents companies with a large scope for growth opportunities (Hitt et al., 2011, p. 219). Firms are also better able to earn a larger gain from their investments due to the larger potential market. Firms are able to ramp up production and other capabilities so that they can achieve better economies of scale and make the same quality products and services more cheaply. There is also bigger scope for performance and for innovation, since a diversity of markets offers a wide range possible strategies for bringing exciting new products to market and attempting new management and business strategies. Strategies for entry into China and North America varied significantly due to many cult ural and economic factors. The value proposition in Western nations is geared towards value-conscious consumers who desire a low price and moderate quality. In China products are more marketed toward relatively-affluent middle classes as Ikea seeks to establish its brand in China as aspirational and offering a Western-style design and lifestyle. Ikea also altered its products to better penetrate the Chinese middle class market: it reduced the size of some items to better fit apartment sizesShow MoreRelatedThe Global Branding of Interbrew and Stella Artois1084 Words  | 5 Pagesof Interbrew and Stella Artois One of the largest brewers in the world, Interbrew grew rapidly in the 1990s from its home market in Belgium to a global presence in markets around the world. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Long Term Effects Of British Colonization On The...
The long term effects of British colonization on the feminist movements in India and Nigeria can be seen through Katherine Mayo’s Mother India, the film, â€Å"Mother India†, Misty Bastian’s Vultures of the Market Place, and Falola and Paddock’s The Women’s War of 1929. In India, imperialism delayed the advancement of the feminist movement due to the priority of the nationalist movement. In Nigeria, imperialism spurred the feminist movement due to the autonomy of the women. Throughout this essay I will compare and contrast the feminist movements in India and Nigeria, in light of British colonization. The British colonized India in 1877 and a system of direct rule was put in place. This system gave complete power to the British officials. The British officials consulted with Indian men to identify the Indian customs and traditions; with this information the British made the customs into laws. The problem with this process was that the customs and tr aditions were not followed by all and were not always clear. Throughout the time of British control in India, there was much criticism of Indian gender roles, marriages, births, religion, education, traditions, and customs. Katherine Mayo (1927) demonstrated all of the critics that the British had of the Indian people. Mayo critiqued gender roles and the male superiority in Mother India (Kham 1957). One tradition explained to Mayo was that young daughters would be sent into the forest alone if they were not married off by the age ofShow MoreRelated Violence Against Women Act of 1994 Essay1391 Words  | 6 Pageson behalf of a battered spouse. The unlawful nature of this failure for state or federal government intervention against this crime contributed to the systematic abuse of women in the family. 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Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesNational Standard for Information Sciencesâ€â€Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992 Printed in the United States of America 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 C ONTENTS Introduction Michael Adas 1 1 World Migration in the Long Twentieth Century †¢ Jose C. Moya and Adam McKeown 9 †¢ 2 Twentieth-Century Urbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm for an Urban World †¢ Howard Spodek 53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Engineering Materials
Questions: 1. Define green materials, review their availability, cost and environmental implications, 2. Give specific example of ONE (1) green material/product, the key features and its applications, and 3. Conduct literature review to support selected material/product that can be categorised as a greenmaterial/product. Answers: Abstract The direction in which engineering is taking is to come up with methods which are environmental friendly. The perception of the world moving significantly in a direction where it faces challenges in general as the population is gradually increasing the consumption of material continue to grow at a fast rate. Most dependable raw materials of nonrenewable fossil fuels and most relevant material virtually decreases. The danger of this material being in unavailable in the next future pushes for new thinking to bring in a different solution to the approaching and existing problems. Green engineering comes in to solve this issue by a technical approach where the issue is being addressed in an engineering designing and analysis to enhance the overall output. (Butscher, 2011). In a more general view of the relationship between green construction and the overall solution, provision is that it tries to bring realization and sustainability. The key principal driving green engineering is t he aspect of minimizing all environmental impacts on all fields while approaching problems addressing ecological and economic aspects also social and sustainability issues at large. This paper will place emphasis on the verdict in the next future about green engineering. Green design material The rapid growth of green construction is possible because it is, in general, an interdisciplinary, making it best considered to be one set of concepts that will be in application among and across all engineering fields. In the discipline of material science in combination with engineering, it will establish a focus control where the design will be the primary focus and produce environmentally friendly materials to enhance sustainability. (Broek, 2012). As much as before making any material scientists require designing materials, which will include their effect on the environmental defects, health including social consequences across the cycle of production and use. The crucial period of average change of raw materials involves the interchange of product with a vital processor rather a system which will make it a success in the verge of discussion the key concepts in this cycle requires a lot of planning and thus green engineering materials are in consideration. The actual cycle of manufacturing involves output and input processes which may be in acquisition from manufacturing all the way to use and the most important one disposal. The last bit about them should make them not destroy the environment but rather conserve it. It is to show evident that when the materials are in the disposition of, they should be biodegradable, or another instance is recyclable. Raw materials are usually extracted from the earth which will cause depletion of the material when this happens waste materials are as a result. (Chawla, 2012). Waste products can have high impacts on the ecosystem which may include disruption of the ecosystem and energy use. Green engineering is aimed to use less energy and produce high-end products and in return to be environmentally friendly. The act of transforming raw materials into products it involves the use of energy, the use of additional chemicals contributes the overall process. When the product has been in use, and now it is to be disposed of, appropriate methods should be used to enable a successful transformation to save the environment. Transportation also has to be carefully be transited to avoid any errors that may result from massive damages. Some of the essential benefits of the implementation of the use of green materials engineering as the next generation savior include health benefits from their use, also an observation will be made In the entire environmental quality which will enable reductions of cost of productions and thus this will be incorporated in different fields to enhance economic growth. It will become of importance when this is in the application in the design stages where a provision of prediction through the entire stages of production. For elaborations over this concept is that a less mass material will be in position, and this will be in subjection to all the factors which are likely to encounter it in the future and once predictions are relevant, evaluation of the same concept is attributed to a large mass which is the entire verdict. A green material must have some features which are a key to environmental conservation. When finding inputs to use during manufacture, they should be affordable; the design should be simple, and the composition of the material be known and be environmentally friendly in the long run. Input should be less, and the output is large to meet the economic grounds to have a sustainable living. The materials should either be biodegradable or rather be able to be manipulated once its primary use is over and maybe to be able to be combined with other materials to come up with a new product from the waste products which would be a waste and pollute the environment. The dangerous aspect of production is a major constraint in the designing of green engineering materials. It is to make an emphasis on this idea of planning. The substances generated to make manufacturing a success have a great impact on the overall production stages. Green architecture is in recognition the process to be of inefficient economically and to the environment which calls for immediate action on most comprehensive formulas to solve the mistakes on production. The general cycle approach lies in the four key structures of sustainability that is to reduce waste production to the environment, and the materials produced should be manageable in a healthy environment. The overall pollution materials provided by the product should be in a way that pollution prevention becomes easy and should not involve hectic processes at last. (Green et.el, 2012). The result from the material should be an enhanced version of the previous one to enable long time use and reduce poor usage leading to accumulation of waste products in the environment causing problems and affecting the ecosystem at last. In every step encompassed above gives an approach which depends on looking at the impacts rather of space and time. To make a decision to use nuclear power, can be a good resolution. But a consideration should be in mind for the radioactive material production by the plant should be disposed of properly or else it will cause a massive loss of human lives at last because the materials can affect the health of the people living around the plant. Thus, green engineering comes in to make a halt to that voice and produce a sustainable solution which is friendly to all life types ranging from the atmosphere to the waters. Green material and its key features. An example of a green material is the solar energy use to generate power and use in many areas of energy production to run machines. This type of authority source meets the green engineering forum requirements and it very efficient. Some of the key features of this kind of include: The first one is that this sort of material and product reduces environmental impact. To explain this, the viewing from its production it takes the pure material to build the panel to come up with power the product is smokeless and clean this makes the environmental conservation easy. Globally most building and construction proposals are responsible for an enormous amount of share in the energy use which includes a use of electricity, water, and the overall material consumption in the long run. One of the better ways to deliver is the creation of a building to use natural solar energy to cater for most of the buildings requirements. If it is to make a reference to the invention of the power plant. The central park in Sydney, the construction sector is built in a tremendous way that it can deliver a much more significance cut-offs in an emission of harmful gasses at a less cost. The secret behind this is the use proper deign which utilizes natural means to replenish and offer the comfort of its occupant a significant solution to most of the energy problems. In todays environment, buildings contribute up to 18% of the most emissions of carbon dioxide emissions. Solar energy serves to be an engineering material for meets all the put measures. In sustainability, it is available in a natural way rather unlike the oil crisis if fossil fuel is in use in place. When fossil fuel gets in depletion, it puts the global at a much higher risk of the world going without energy for long. Environmental relation of solar energy and the actual perception is correct for the later does not pollute the environment rather it tends to protect it. It should be an adoption in many fields to make sure the success of the use of friendly energy sources is in use. However, in the modern society implications have to be put up to do more research and provide integrated synergetic designs which will make it a success both in new constructions while conserving that in the retrofitting of the structures which existed before. This type of design can be in attribution to the sustainable designing architecture, which makes the design be incorporation with an integration of building a life cycle in it the key goals being to have green practice as the primarily employed design in creating a synergy in the overall layout. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that implies that it will not be depletion and that one feature of the green material. In a life cycle assessment, solar power helps in avoiding a narrow outlook on the environment which makes good relations too in a social and economic facelift. Assessing in full range on the impacts of all the process involved in the production to the use and the final product produced it can majorly be in sight that it is not causing any environmental problems. The emphasis put forward to curb global warming are best in an explanation of the nature of using the solar energy to meet our needs. In setting and structure of efficiency, solar power as a green engineering material does not require a lot of construction funds rather it easy to build and easy to maintain. In contrast, buildings are also varied in the use of an energy efficient tool to solve the problem of power consumption. Thus, a sustainable design becomes an implication. Another vital information as a feature of is that it is energy efficient, only requiring simple tools and a small amount of input is required to bring up a total some efficient energy to place. Thus, designing should be made to create a low energy house to ensure zero energy building is in an acquisition. It implies that the house will be naturally using the solar energy to perform all its functions put in place. By putting the use of natural energy as the key aspect of providing energy will meet all the needs and conserving water, for no water will be required to produce the energy and also no pollution will be released to pollute water. As part of water conservation, the solar power contains U.V rays which can be manipulated in the engineering perspective to make an efficiency in treating water. To a much larger extent facilities and the building should increase the dependence on water collected purified and reused on site. Comparing the materials used to have relatively fewer elements successfully. Thus, this is a provision to the environmental protection agency rights. In the long run the operations and maintain ace are optimized thus ensuring proper ascertainment of the products. Green engineering materials should be able to reduce waste products by all costs while increasing production. Engineering and construction applications of solar energy as a green material. Solar energy is the radiant heat from the sun and can harness to through different ways to realize a broad range of uses. With the ever evolving technology ranging from photovoltaic cells to solar heating devices all work with the help of the solar energy. It being a green engineering material it can be used to perform in many aspects. Thermal energy The energy harnessed from the sun in the form of heat can be converted into various ways to make it useful. With the use of a solar comb system, this system uses sunlight to heat water. When individuals are in location geographical areas where the temperatures are 60 and 70 degrees can comfortably heat water using this system. It can also be in use for ventilation and conditioning. Thus, principal applies to when in tropical regions the buildings are m in a way that during the day the materials used to make the house absorb the energy from the sun then after when the condition changes to freezing the absorbed heat warms the house thus. It will be making the living of the occupants better. The energy collected from the sun can also be used to cook; It is real with the help of solar cookers, devices which have been in a designation. It will be in a way that contributes to focus the heat collected from different parts of the stove to one point where it is used to heat water, hence, can be used to cook. With the implementation of this method, many of the forests will be saved from deforestation or rather it will ensure a good transition between the methods of conserving the environment and preventing global warming. Using solar concentrating technologies. It can be easy to concentrate heat and be in use for industrial purposes. For example in the evaporation ponds of some companies where it requires them to evaporate some substances then be in evaluation it is possible because the efficient solar energy is in use in this method. In another instance solar distillatory can be made portable, and this will enable treatment of water possible thus solar energy can be used to treat water. Electricity production. The use of photovoltaic cells can be put in place and power be in production. Apart from the conventional way to produce electricity using photovoltaic cells. Another method where solar concentrators are used to heat a power plant and thus, in turn, generate energy. In so doing, the Society will be lightened and at the same time, the environment is protected. Urban planning and architecture With the conventional way to go green most building and urban planning is changing the face of the society by introducing a perfect way to let the house be building in a way that it will use the natural existing lighting and heat to provide energy for the home. By loading the house with solar heaters, solar panels into the structure of the house, it enables a perfect transition for the actual perception to allow the projection of a green and environmental conservative society. Agriculture and horticulture. The increase of population influences the extent to which some resources are used in the community. Food shortage to some countries can also be a problem. The introduction of engineering aspect in making the greenhouses which become a traditional place for most natural occurring gasses and temperature to the control of a button allows the growing of food crops in the greenhouses to counter the use. Flowers cannot be well growing in some areas due to the unfavorable climatic conditions. It is now can be in doing in the greenhouses. Thus promoting a real serenity for a production of many crops and flowers. Transport Solar power has been incorporated into different carrying devices to provide the same service. The invention of an astral plane which is now successful has contributed so much in opening ways for further invention in the same fields of getting most machines to be powered by solar to reduce the cost incurred in fuel. The depletion of most fuel well then this implies that the next important area to venture in is the greatest near future. Reasons to go for solar energy. The solar energy the gift of nature which can be manipulation for our good. The essence of using it is because costs will be cutting in the long run, the sun provides a tremendous resource of generating clean and electricity which is sustainable. The electricity and other products produced after that are environmentally friendly. Also in the land use, the solar panels are land economic that is it is easy to be in place, this majorly depends on the scale of the business one opts to start. It brings into consideration that the solar panels can be in place in a land which has low quality like lowland brownfields. It will ensure that it does not interfere with other agricultural fields. In the aspect of water conservation, photovoltaic cells do not need water to produce electricity. Thus, this will be a likely factor that water will be conservation for other purposes, unlike hydroelectric power. Concentrating power plants use water to cool the machines which are rather dependent on the size of the facility. If this is to take a research tool and instead of using water sodium and other good conductors of heat can be utilization instead. Many sources of fuels probably the fossil fuel, it can be a realization that most of them produce harmful gasses and materials. When designing a house more sophisticated, then the only way to beat the use of power it would be designing the house to the green engineering way, where it will be designed to use natural sunlight to power the house. Conclusion In all the green materials solar energy is found to be an essential part to counter the uprising risks associated with the cost of living. Thus with an improvement to the current technology, the cost of living will depreciate due to the known sources of energy to ruin the atmosphere causing global warming. In a different perspective, the advantages associated with the introduction biodegradable materials to make products will at a tremendous value reduce the amount of waste accumulating in the environment. The nanotechnology in place should be improved to lessen the amount of carbon in the atmosphere to enhance a wholesome reduction of carbon monoxide in the air. It is all done to make living better. References Adschiri, T., Lee, Y. W., Goto, M., Takami, S. (2011). Green materials synthesis with supercritical water.Green Chemistry,3(6), 1380-1390. Ayala, R., Zhang, C., Yang, D., Hwang, Y., Aung, A., Shroff, S. S., ... Varghese, S. (2011). 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Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Perspective on Wakanda free essay sample
Last week, Marvel released yet another one of their star-studded movies. This is no surprise as they have a history of doing so with great success. Spiderman, The Avengers, and X-Men are just a few successful big screen productions that Marvel Studios were directly responsible for. Marvel superhero movies tend to attract an immense amount of attention, annually breaking their own records and raking in huge revenue totals. Their newest movie, however, attracted attention for different reasons, starting new conversations and opening new doors within the action genre. Likely in celebration of the 48th Black History Month, Marvel Studios opted to uncharacteristically release the movie Black Panther in February. This movie was seen as monumental within the black community as most felt it offered a certain representation that was never before seen in a movie. While there have been other more diverse superheroes, in this particular movie, most of the major roles were filled with people of color. We will write a custom essay sample on Perspective on Wakanda or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Again, this was unheard of in a movie that was expected to get as much attention as Marvel cinematics generally do. It was released with an extreme amount of anticipation and, based on the returns, it did not disappoint. On March 24, it became the highest grossing superhero movie of all time, bringing in over $624 million at the domestic box office. This is a movie that is leaving its mark culturally and historically. Earlier in my essay, I stated that the Black Panther movie offered a different representation for people of color on the big screen. This is not done in the original Black Panther comic book storyline. Ta- Nehisi Coates, a highly renowned writer, was responsible for the revision of this movie. The â€Å"third world country†Wakanda, located in Africa, is believed to be less advanced, unprofitable, and to an extent, weaker than the rest of the world. However, it is revealed that Wakanda is actually more advanced technologically than the rest of the world due to the rare resources it possesses. In this fictional universe, people of color possess the abilities and capabilities of a world power which isn’t a reality. They isolate themselves so that they are not poisoned by the rest of the world, even less so by â€Å"colonizers.†This depiction was a welcomed sight on the big screen. Ta- Nehisi Coates is a renowned journalist, who is known for using his voice to shed light on his experiences as a black male in America. He is also well known for his second book Between the World and Me, which is essentially a letter to his son explaining the world around him, and its history with people of color. He explains to his son that the world is not safe for him and there is nothing he can do about it. He simply gives advice on how to maneuver through it, in order to put himself in a better position to be successful in life. This perspective is a grim one, but is a reality that people of color know all too well. Once again, Ta Nehisi Coates is voicing the black perspective for everyone to understand and listen. Too often, the struggles of people of color are belittled, overlooked, or dismissed altogether, and he refuses to let this happen. Coates forces the conversation about racial disparities to take place by triggering emotions such as sympathy and guilt from the reade r. He hopes to have the reader understand the sadness and disappointment that comes with having to tell your child that the world is not built for you to succeed, and spark initiative within people who will make change a reality. Last year, another movie unique to its genre was released. This movie, however, was not met with the same anticipation and high expectations. A horror movie, Get Out, introduced a new perspective, to say the least. The main character, Chris, is invited to meet the parents of his girlfriend, Rose, for a weekend. Initially, Chris recognizes that his skin color may be an issue and prompts his girlfriend to take it into account before allowing him to come. She dismisses his concerns, insinuating that his color will have no effect on the way the weekend plays out. Chris brushes off his doubts and agrees to go nonetheless. His doubts proved to be legitimate as the entire weekend he would feel ostracized due to the color of his skin and would even have his life th reatened because of it. Oscar-winning writer Jordan Peele told this horror story knowing that it would evoke a feeling that is all too familiar to people of color. He expressed (although slightly exaggerating) the fear that comes with being the only person in the room who looks like you. Peele uses this fear as his tool for connecting the audience to the actor. Throughout the movie, there is an increasingly awkward aura that surrounds and corners the character. The unfamiliarity he feels begins to couple with the fact that he is the only one who is not on the same page. Mentally, he is reduced to a lamb in a house filled with wolves. He can never truly feel safe or relaxed because he is clearly the outsider. For a great portion of the movie, Chris is searching for something to put him at ease in an uncomfortable situation. On three separate occasions, he attempts to level with the only people of color he can find, as an escape from his girlfriend’s guests treating him like an exotic artifact or animal (Get Out 42:30- 44:00).In this particular situation, the audience is unaware that the guests are observing him and weighing his value. As the viewer follows Chris, they begin to understand how their comments may seem to have kind intentions but are patronizing or belittling. From the outside looking in, it is clear the guests’ comments are odd and a bit out of line. In the real world, this scenario is not an exaggerated turn of events. People are sometimes truthfully unaware when they are saying something offensive, especially in terms of race, gender, and other prevalent distinctions. By allowing those who may not usually be placed in this situation to experience it through the eyes of Chris, they can experience a scenario that showcases discomfort for minorities of all categories. Everybody is afraid of something. Even the bravest of people shiver at the thought of hearing that they need to complete a certain task. Fears vary from public speaking to slaying a dragon. In any case, it is something everyone has experienced. Knowing this, Get Out and Between the World and Me both grab the hearts of those who choose to open their ears. Coates fears for his son’s future because of the world he lives in. There will be too many scenarios in which he won’t have control over what happens to him. In particular, Coates discusses how expendable the â€Å"black body†is in America. With Trayvon Martin as his example, he explains to Samori Coates that his â€Å"body†is not valued as it should be. He is an outcast and the world would not care if something happened to him. Nearly identical, Chris is the outcast on a much smaller scale. Due to the fact that his material value outweighed his capabilities in the eyes of those who surrounded him, he was almost forced to fold to the wishes of those around him. This fear extends to the Black Panther universe as well. Wakanda is an isolationist country. They hide their rare and valuable resources (vibranium) from the world around them. They understand that in the event that other countries discover their secret, they will begin to weigh Wakanda’s material value as well. After being captured, Klaw, a secondary antagonist, begins to spread Wakanda’s secret (Black Panther 54:30- 56:45). He tells an American CIA agent about their massive hordes of vibranium and how it is used to power their nation. Since vibranium is the rarest, strongest, and most valuable resource in their world, Wakanda has used it to better their own nation. If other nations knew of this, that would only place more complications on their doorstep. Already, Klaw has shown that people would be willing to make weapons and further their own agendas with this material. Because of this, Wakanda has been forced into hiding, keeping them from acting out against injust ices such as slavery. Their vibranium would hold more value to others than the country itself, making them expendable. Expendability is a common theme displayed in these three works as it is overall how some people of color feel they are looked at in the bigger picture, and this scares us. Therefore, Jordan Peele, Ta Nehisi Coates, and Ryan Coogler shower this feeling over the viewer in the hopes that they can realize not only how the world views people of color, but how we view the world. These three depictions while moving towards similar goals, also take extremely different routes when it comes to getting their point across. Between the World and Me casts a large shadow of the world, showcasing that people of color are often insignificant when it comes to making a difference because we are not only too few in number but we lack power and capability. Get Out exemplifies the uneasiness of being colored in a world essentially run by white people. When you are surrounded by people who do not look like you, there is a lingering uncertainty that can make you uncomfortable in any setting. For example, towards the beginning of the movie, Chris and his girlfriend come into contact with a police officer after they hit a deer on the road (Get Out 12:20- 13:10). Even though Chris and Rose are the victims of a car accident, the police officer begins to antagonize Chris, going as far as to demand to see his license. As Chris begins to submit, Rose immediately grows more hostile, calling the officer out. Each character holds two different perceptions of the way things are, forcing them to react the way they do. Chris sees the world the way it is described in Between the World and Me. He understands that some things are unfair and out of his control, so to prevent the situation from escalating he concedes. Rose, however, does not. She realizes the discrimination taking place, and does not back down. She does not recognize any danger in becoming hostile with an armed officer, most likely due to her upbringing and perceptions of life around her. In response, the officer backs down. The audience is able to release a sigh of relief and almost smile as Chris was able to avoid tragic situations similar to those of Mike Brown or Philando Castile. Situations that have been a dark cloud hovering over our community stand as a constant reminder that life is not fair. In contrast, Black Panther is a movie where people of color are the majority, controlling a growing, profitable nation. In the world of Wakanda, there is a feeling of confidence and motivation seeing that people who look like you are responsible for great innovations. As opposed to being hindered by the world around you, they created and developed their own. This movie doesn’t seek to depict the struggles that people of color have, rather it seeks to be motivational.Wakanda is a representation of what we can be capable of if we put our minds to it, no matter what life consistently tries to embed in our minds. Similar to how Superman represents the best parts of human nature, the Black Panther is supposed to do this as well, but from a more relatable standpoint. These texts are extremely important to the current perception of Black America. The black perspective has not received an abundant amount of representation. Many movies where it was showcased, only glorify the negative s of the community. Black Panther and Get Out attempt to revise the lens in which we are viewed. No longer are we to be used to depict areas of low income; we can and will be used to depict characters worthy of being role models, and/ or relatable figures. In addition to revising the lens, great minds are now branching out and creating new ones. In a country where African Americans represent less than 15% of the American population, but nonetheless, represent just under 40% of the prison population, it is a breath of fresh air to have them viewed in a much more respectable and understandable light. In both movies, the protagonists are relatable. We fear with them, we fight with them, but most importantly, we can understand them. This is the goal of both Jordan Peele and Ta Nehisi Coates, who both understand how black people have perceived whether it be professionally or socially. By providing a lens for the viewer to see through the eyes of a person of color, they are contributing to a world with less discrimination. These three depictions of black culture are literally worlds apart. One is a nonfiction recalling, another is a realistic fiction horror story, and the last is a fictional fantasy. However, each of these three stories serve a common purpose. That purpose is to not only remedy but contextualize the black perspective. By putting our perspective on the forefront of everyone’s minds whether it be for two hours or two hundred pages, we hope to secure a future in which we are better understood and easier to relate to. In turn, the silent hatred that some may have for those who look different then they do, may finally evaporate. These pieces of art are more than just entertainment, they are a part of a movement, a movement to allow nothing less than equality.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Telling Time in Mandarin Chinese
Telling Time in Mandarin Chinese When navigating everyday life, it is important to know how to tell time in order schedule meetings, meet up with friends, know that youre running on time, and so on. The Chinese time system is fairly straightforward, and once you have learned your numbers you just need a few more vocabulary words to be able to tell the time. Here is an introduction on how to tell the time in Mandarin Chinese so that you can make plans while in a Chinese-speaking region. Numbering System Before learning to tell time in Mandarin Chinese, you need a solid grasp of Mandarin numbers. Here is a quick review of the Mandarin numbering system: All number vocabulary is based on the numbers from zero to ten.Multiples of 10 are expressed as 2-10 (20), 3-10 (30) etc.Numbers above 10 are expressed as 10-1 (11), 20-3 (23) etc.The number 2 has two forms: à ¨r when counting, and liÇŽng when used with a measure word (as in telling the time). Time Vocabulary This is a list of time-related Chinese vocabulary words. Audio files are included to help you with pronunciation and listening comprehension skills. å ° 時 xiÇŽo shà : houré ˜é (traditional) / é’Ÿå ¤ ´ (simplified) zhÃ… ng tà ³u: hour分é Ëœ / 分钟 fÄ“n zhÃ… ng: minuteç §â€™ miÇŽo: secondæâ€" ©Ã¤ ¸Å zÇŽo shang: morningä ¸Å Ã¥ ˆ shng wÇâ€: morningä ¸ Ã¥ ˆ zhÃ… ng wÇâ€: noonä ¸â€¹Ã¥ ˆ xi wÇâ€: afternoon晚ä ¸Å wÇŽn shang: eveningÃ¥ ¤Å"è £ ¡ / Ã¥ ¤Å"é‡Å' yà ¨ lÇ : late nightçâ€Å¡Ã© º ¼Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ¥â‚¬â„¢ / ä »â‚¬Ã¤ ¹Ë†Ã¦â€" ¶Ã¥â‚¬â„¢? shà ©nme shà hou: when?Ã¥ ¹ ¾Ã© »Å¾ / å‡ ç‚ ¹? jÄ « diÇŽn: what time? Time Format Mandarin time is most commonly expressed in â€Å"digital format, which means one would say 10:45 rather than â€Å"a quarter to eleven.†However, the word bn (Ã¥ Å ), which means â€Å"half,†is often used for 30 minutes past the hour. Examples Now that you know your numbers and some basic time-telling vocabulary, lets put it all together. What can you say when someone asks you ç ¾Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥ ¹ ¾Ã© »Å¾Ã¤ ºâ€ Xinzi jÄ « diÇŽn le, or What time is it? 10:30Ã¥ é »Å¾Ã¥ Å / Ã¥ é »Å¾Ã¤ ¸â€°Ã¥ 分shà diÇŽn bn / shà diÇŽn sÄ n shà fÄ“n11:00Ã¥ ä ¸â‚¬Ã© »Å¾Ã© Ëœ shà yÄ « diÇŽn zhÃ… ng12:15Ã¥ ä ºÅ'é »Å¾Ã¥ ä ºâ€Ã¥Ë†â€ shà à ¨r diÇŽn shà wdžfÄ“n1:00ä ¸â‚¬Ã© »Å¾Ã© Ëœ yÄ « diÇŽn zhÃ… ng3:20ä ¸â€°Ã© »Å¾Ã¤ ºÅ'Ã¥ 分sÄ n diÇŽn à ¨r shà fÄ“n5:55ä ºâ€Ã© »Å¾Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥ ä ºâ€Ã¥Ë†â€ wdždiÇŽn wdžshà wdžfÄ“n8:00 in the morningæâ€" ©Ã¤ ¸Å å… «Ã© »Å¾ zÇŽo shang bÄ diÇŽn2:00 in the afternoonä ¸â€¹Ã¥ ˆå… ©Ã© »Å¾ xi wdžliÇŽng diÇŽn9:05 in the evening晚ä ¸Å ä ¹ é »Å¾Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥Ë†â€ wÇŽn shang jidždiÇŽn wdžfÄ“n
Friday, February 21, 2020
Project management for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Project management for business - Essay Example mwork demonstrated by Arup management with the help of consulting the technical experts from engineering, management and mechanical departments, whose collaborative planning and implementations of the same could turn out to be triumphant in making the Olympic event as a great accomplishment in the eyes of jury, participants, spectators and experts alike. The report on the foundation of the given case study has reached the conclusion that Arup’s hiring services and consultation of skilled and proficient experts as well as taking risks out of their expertise has also contributed to the extraordinary success of the project they had articulated and presented on the eve of Olympic Games held in China, and hence won first prize from association of project management (APM) subsequently. This report has been created by making evaluation of the Water Cube project, which had been planned, managed, introduced and presented by Arup project management team as a venue for conducting of Summer Olympic competitions 2008 (Arup, 2008). One of the most essential reasons behind writing this report includes the exploration of project management by paying particular heed to the project planning, and project monitoring and control. Support has also been sought from the theories associated with the under-examination projects on one side, and practical steps taken by Arup for the successful accomplishments of their Water Cube project on the other (APM, 2008). Two theoretical frameworks including Project Constraints and Project Lifecycle have been included in this report, both of which had been selected by Arup management while planning, executing and administering their under-examination project. A project simply refers to a unique, transient endeavour undertaken to achieve planned objectives (APM, 2012). A project is a temporary organisation created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed business case (Team FME 2013, p. 9). In other terms,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Media producer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Media producer - Essay Example A considerable and significant relationship is cropping up between the audience and media producers. The audience is actually playing the role of a media producer in a way. This is because television producers need the audience for their programmes. Without the audience, there no need to produce a media text. Hence, the taste, age, gender, lifestyles, income, and television watching and reading habits of the audience determine the choice of a media text (Wilson, 2011). Because of this, media producers seek to satisfy their audience in producing the media text in order to remain commercially active. Additionally, many media producers are also the audience and vice versa. The audience chooses and influences the media texts to consume through interactions and discussions. Thus, the audience dictates the media texts to be produced thus acting as a media producer. I have acted as a media producer in relevant ways. Through online forums, mobile phone, and physical interactions with fellow fans and people interested in my favorite media texts. Indeed, we discuss the progress of a certain programme, its content, and its timing. We consequently air our suggestions and possible disappointments to the media producers that are available online. In some occasions, we have complained on missed programme episodes, changed the programme airing time, and even requested for replays. In conclusion, the quality of the engaged audience dominates over the quantity of the audience in the modern media
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Effects Of The French Revolution
Effects Of The French Revolution French revolution is a bourgeois revolution that happened on 14th. July 1794. It is the bourgeois revolution of the largest, most complete revolution. The revolution began with the storming of the Bastille was besieged by Pairs. The revolution gone through hardships and passed a tortuous progress. In this revolution, representatives of bourgeois democratic and republican overturned the absolute monarchic together. French revolution is a symbolic time in French history. The revolution happened by many reasons. It came not only because France was backward, but also because of economic and intellectual. Under absolute monarchy, the countrys economic and intellectual was not matched by social and political change. People live in Pair increasingly difficult life. The economic pressure became heavier. Most people had a fat lot rights. What is more, the asset class and the feudal class have the implacable contradiction. So, with a lot causes came together that make a revolution happened. Th e revolution had a profound influence in history and it also had an extraordinary influence on the making of the modern world. In the period of Louis xv regime, since the people responded angrily to under Kings rule. People suffered by various attacked. And this formed of enlightenment. Under enlightenment, the thinking of national rights, constitution monarchy, separation of the three powers had been around. What is more, the development of capitalism has a contradiction with the feudal autocratic rule. Half of the 18th century, capitalist economic had a great development in France. Textile, metallurgy and mining industrys most rapidly. Its level of development ranked first in Europe. Foreign trade had developed quickly. But the feudal autocratic rule has become an obstacle to economic development of capitalism in France. The feudal government continued to raise taxes; checkpoints were set up everywhere around the country; feudal ownership of land still exist. All this made the bourgeoisie very unpleased. They asked for abolition of feudal land ownership, abolition of feudal privileges and against authorita rian rule. Their requirements and ideas, is reflected in the political ideology of bourgeois Enlightenment. The appearance and the spread of enlightenment had prepare for French revolution and the bourgeoisies showing on the political stage, in the aspects of ideologie and public opinion. The sharp classes contradiction is also a propellant that caused the revolution. The French revolution started about 150 years later than the Britain revolution, the French was still in the feudal autocratic reign of the Bourbons when the British had completed bourgeois revolution and had begin the industrial revolution, the class relations was set into opposition sharply. It is as follows: French society was divided into three grades, first grade is priest, and second level is the nobility. They account for less than 1% of the total population in France, but the amount of land they occupied reach 2/3. And they did not bear any tax obligations. Opposed, the majority of third grade has to bear the countrys taxes and other feudal obligations. In particular, workers, urban poor and farmers, living a life in squalor, they demand to change living conditions strongly. Because of sharply antagonistic class relations, the French community as firewood piled everywhere, a revolution would outb reak possibility at anytime. Intensification of the financial crisis is a reason that caused the revolution too. The French authoritarian rulers have been very corrupt. Repeated defeat of foreign wars and rulers extravagant that made Frances budget deficit increased, heavily in debt. The French government fiscal position was on the brink of bankruptcy. All the reasons came together, a long awaited revolution happened. And the French revolution made a far-reaching impact, both of the peoples power and political legacy. Even effected the developed of capitalism. As the French revolution was the greatest bourgeois revolution in 18th century. People have shown great strength in the three uprisings. When get the turning point in the revolution, people were always pushing forward the development of revolution. French revolution also had a deep effect on French political. The French revolution left a compelling and many-sided political legacy. This legacy included, most notably, liberalism, assertive nationalism, radical democratic republicanism, embryonic socialism, and self-conscious conservatism. It also left a rich and turbulent history of electoral competition, legislative assemblies, and even mass politic. Thus the French revolution and conflicting interpretations of its significance presented a whole range of political options and alternative visions of the future. (McKay, J. P., Hill, B. D., and Buckler, J.). Furthermore, the French Revolution was a profound social revolution, which ended a thousand years of feudal rule in France. Trough the revolution, a bourgeois republic has set up in France. As Engels said, It is really fighting for in the end, until the part of noble were eliminated, while the other is the first victory of the capitalist class uprising. In general, the revolution against the French feudal forces and cleared the road of capitalist development in France. What is more, the revolution to the French social ideology, culture and education has far-reaching influence. Even more, the thoroughness of this revolution had set an example to other nation revolution. It has shaken the foundation for the rest of Europe the feudal system. It pushed the development of capitalism in Europe and America. As Lenin said: The revolution of the class that it serves to give the bourgeoisie a lot of things, and the entire 19th century, that is, civilization and culture for all humanity to a century are under the sign of French revolution.. Above all, in the late 18th century, feudal dynasty in the political, economic and social awareness, has emerged all-round crisis, authoritarian rule has become an obstacle to the development of French society. The French revolution was not an accidental event. It is the inevitable outcome of the development of history. The French revolution has promoted the development of capitalism, and pushed people thinking and culture in Europe, even the world.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Public Education Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Papers
Public Education Governor Jeb Bush initiated the nation's boldest voucher experiment in June of 1999 when he signed into law his Opportunity Scholarship Program. Florida is the first in the nation with a statewide plan allowing state-paid tuition for children in "F" graded schools to attend private schools or other non-failing schools. Opponents claim that giving parents the choice to use state education funds at private schools could end up bankrupting the public education system so many children rely upon. Proponents of vouchers argue the voucher program will give parents a way to help children trapped in failing schools. Matthew Berry, a staff attorney with the Washington, D.C. based Institute for Justice, believes, â€Å"As far as public money going to private education, it's just like college students who use their [federal] Pell grants to go to Notre Dame†(Soriano 18). I was happy that on March 14, 2000 Leon County Circuit Court Judge Ralph Smith declared the voucher plan a vio lation of Florida's constitution. I don't believe that vouchers will solve Florida's education problems. Jeb Bush and Frank Brogan, the former Commissioner of Education in Florida, have made education their number one priority. After months of studying, arguing, lobbying, and dealing, they presented the A+ Plan to the Florida Legislature and it passed. Under this plan, "All schools will be graded 'A' through 'F' based primarily on state assessment test scores and other data which includes attendance, dropout rate, discipline data, and student readiness for college" (Voucher and Accountability for Public Schools). When a school is graded "F" for two years in a four year period, the children become eligible for vouchers which allow... ...ournal 18 July 1999: B3. Ladner, Charles. Telephone interview. 5 March 2000. Nazareno, Analisa. â€Å"Tuition voucher foes launch pricey campaign to sway public opinion.†Miami Herald 16 February 2000: B3. Peltier, Michael. â€Å"Florida School Voucher Plan Ruled Unconstitutional.†Tallahassee Democrat 14 March 2000: C1. â€Å"Questions and answers on the education initiative.†Pensacola News Journal 18 July 1999: A1. Soriano, Jennifer. â€Å"Vouchers: Choice or Neglect?†Shewire 16 March 2000: 18. Streater, Amie K. â€Å"For some students, the road to an education is uphill, lonely.†Pensacola News Journal 24 October 1999: A8. Walsh, Erin. â€Å"Children fight to learn, even before class starts.†Pensacola News Journal 24 October 1999: A9. Wilgoren, Jodi. â€Å"Florida’s Vouchers a Spur to 2 Schools Left Behind.†New York Times 14 March 2000: D5.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Public Administration : Chief Executive Essay
Governmental power is three-fold, legislative, to make laws; judicial and to interpret the and to execute or carry out those laws. There is a separate organ which will look after each function function, but the separation is not rigid. A complete separation would lead to perpetual deadlocks in administration. Thus there are various points of contact between all the three organs of the government to ensure smooth functioning of governmental programmes. With expanding complexity of the activities of the modern State, the Legislature is not in a position to have direct dealings with the administrator and so is the executive branch which is becoming more and more powerful. The modern State assigns a variety of functions to the executive. Thus it has become a vital part of the government. In this unit, we shall analyse the functions of the chief executive in the light of the differences between the real and the nominal executive. The unit will also highlight the growing strength and importance of the chief exccutive.We shall also discuss the need for staff and line agencies for advising the chief executive and in carrying out his policies. The unit will enable the student to understand the crucial role of chief executive in the task of administration. We will also come to know the factors and forces behind the chief executive at the Union, State and local levels. The executive is that branch of government which is charged with the execution of taws. It consists of various administrative agencies which are involved in the implementation of the laws. According to F.A. Nigro, â€Å"the executive branch of government in Public Administration is a truly visible form†. The executive branch of the government includes the chief executive and the civil servants who exec ute the laws made by the legislature. Thus the role of the executive is of paramount importance. . By ‘chief executive’ we mean the person or body of persons at the head of the administrative system of a country. The administrative hierarchy of a country resemb1es.a pyramid, broad at the base and tapering off towards the top till it ends at a single point, the apex. The chief executive is at the apex of the administrative pyramid. He is a person or persons in whom the executive power has been authoritatively vested for performing various functions. In a political system, the person or persons in whom the constitution vests the executive power of the government is the chief executive. In public or private organisations, the person who is at the top position with the major responsibility of carrying out the work of organisations is the chief executive. The chief executive has to perform various political and administrative functions. He occupies a central position in Public Administration. He determines the goals of the organisation, prepares plans, determines the tasks, fixes priorities, takes crucial decisions, mobilises resources, recryits personnel, coordinates the work of all the departments under him, motivates the personnel, provides leadership and supervises .[1] the implementation of plans. He sees that goals of organisation are achieved with maximum efficiency and optimum use of resources. The success or failure of an organisation, therefore, depends on the dynamic nature and character of the chief executive. The type of executive varies with the form of government. In a dictatorship, the chief executive comes to power through a military coup and continues to be in power through army support. Modern democracies have either a Presidential or a Parliamentary/ Collegiate executive, which is chosen from, and responsible to, an eIected legislature. The parliamental and Presidential. TYPES OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE : In countries like India and the UK, with parliamentary system,the chief executive consists of the Prime Minister and other Ministers. The Prime Minister heads the cabinet in these countries. There is a close, continuous and intimate executive legislative relationship as the cabinet is accountable to parliament in the parliamentary system. President of US can be impeached and removed from office by the legislature i.e. the US Congress by two-third majority. In the USA, for instance, because of the system of checks and balances, Congress, the President and the judiciary have become separate. entities independent of each other. The Titular and the Real Chief Executives In parliamentary form of government, all executive power is vested in the titular or constitutional head in theory and all decisions arc supposed to be taken in his name. It means that the head, whether it is the King or the President can exercise his powers only on tbs advice of the ministers and not independently. Thus, though the Constitution vests the powers with ihe President or the King, in practice these are not his real powers and cannot be exercised by him without the consent, of ministers. The chief executive in this sys te.~re mains titular or nominal. The real executiveis the Council of Ministers or the Cabinet to which the legal powers of titular executive pass, It means that legally he does not havepny powers but in practice exercises ail tfnepowers vested in the titular head. In England, the Queen andin India, the President are the titular chiefs and in both the countries the real executive is the cabinet headed by the Prirne Minister. In countries like the USA, the President is the real chief executive, as the powers legally vested in him are also exercised by him independently. Single and Plural Chief Executives In countries where parliamentary system of government prevails, the real chief executive is the cabinet which is a plural body. Thc body comprises the Prime Minister and other ministers. The Prime Minister works on the advice of his ministers. Unlike this, the chief executive in the Presidential system of government (like in the USA) is: single individual, the President. Though he functions under the system of separatiom of powers and checks and balances, he takes his decisions in an independent manner. VARIOUS TYPES OF LOCAL CHIEF EXECUTIVES The type of executives discussed so far are present at the Union or Central level. Besides these, there are various executives at other levels, the study of which is also important. The local executive, assumes different forms in different countries and is variously designated. It can be single or plural, political or administrative, elective or . re-elective. The executive shares two types of powers and functions: political and administrative. The local executive can be classified as single executive when political authority is vested in a single person. The American, the European and the Japanese Mayors, the Indian Chairman of Zila Parishads and of Panchayat Samitis are examples of single and strong political executives. The plural executive consists of a group of individuals, one of whom is chosen as its chairman. The plural type is illustrated by the committee system of executive under the English local bodies. ‘ Apart from the political executives, at the other end of the spectrum are the municipal commissioners/the chief executive officers in the district development officers of Indian local authorities, the city managers of the USA and the chief executives of the U.K. They offer effective administrative leadership, sharing some executive powers which are political in character. Thus the local executives, may be political on the one hand and non-political, official or expert on the other: The American mayor, the committees of the English local bodies and the heads of the English local bodies are. political. There are executives who are primarily administrative like the American city manager and chief executive[2] officers of looal authorities in India, who are appointed by the State government. There are local executives who are strong, others which are weak. The involvement of thk executive in administration also makes it a strong executive. Its relationship with the local council is another factor which determines the position and status of the executive. It can be said,that an effective local executive can be one that combines ‘ . strong political leadership with professional leadership. But the Indian’rural local authorities are provided with strong leadership both in politics and administration with two separate positions present i.e, politician and professional administrator. In India, the city municipal corporations which are known for effective administrative leadership with the Municipal Commissioner as their chief administrator, suffer from ineffective political leadership as the executive authority is dispersed among various municipal authorities. FUNCTIONS OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVES The chief executive is the head of the country and in that capacity have far reaching legislative, executive and judicial powers granted by the Constitution of the country. Besides him there are numerous lesser chief executives at the state and local levels who also have to perform various legislative, executive and judicial functions in their respective areas. The nature and quantity of functions keep changing at every level. In companies or corporations the chief executive has the important task of interpreting the policy of the Board of Directors to the rest of the management and the general public. He has to ensure that policies and programmes laid down by the board of directors have been understood by all the employees. He has to devise the various procedures of organisation and determine its structure. The chief executive, at any level has a dual role to play i.e. political as well as administrative. Political Functions The source of political power under democracy is primarily the people themselves and secondarily the legislature which is the representative body of the people. The chief executive obtains his office through the votes of his people. It means that the office of the chief executive is the end-result of apolitical process. For executive discharge of the duties of his office and proper working of the administration, the chief executive needs the support of the legislature and the people. Therefore, he must always work for winning :he support of the legislature and the electorate. The chief executive has to perform his[3] activities by keeping in view the public interest as well as the interest of the nation. Administration cannot run smoothly unless there is interaction between the people and the administration. Thus, political management is one of the most important functions of the chief executive. we mentioned earlier, chief executive also exits at other levels e.g., in public organisations, private enterprises etc. At these levels too, the chief executive has an important political role to perform. In actual practice, the chief executive in a parliamentary form of government performs many functions which the head or heads of the public or private organisation (which ran be a general manager, managing director or a secretary) perform. The executive in a parliamentary system is controlled by the legislature and in an organisation it is controlled by the Board of Directors. Even though the chief executive in public organisations, is not a result of political process. he has to interact with peoplc, press etc., to run the organisation. He mobilises the efforts of the personnel to achieve organisational goals. This means that political role of a chief executive is very crucial and he cannot avoid it, whether it is at the national level, state level or local levels. His political function of galvanising the entire administration to action in pursuit of the accepted goals and objectives and winning the people’s support and consent thus assumes importance. Administrative Functions The chief executive has to perform a number of administrative functions. Luther Gullick sums up these functions in thc acronym POSDCORB, which has been referred to in the earliar units. Marshall Dinlock summarises these function is none sentence: â€Å"He is a trouble shooter, a supervisor and a promoter of the future programme†. We will now discuss the major functions of the chief executive in some detail. F’orrnulation of Administrative. Policy One of the major functions of the chief executive is the determination and formulation of administrative policy. He issues a number of specific policy directions, written or oral, which enable the administrative officers to perform their duties in a proper manner. They actually serve as a guide to administration. Thc chief executive is consulted by the departmental heads and other administrative officers on certain important and controversial matters. His ability and personality has close bearing on administrative efficiency. The Iegislature only enacts laws in general terms. The executive fills them with details to make then fit for application. Deciding the Details of Organisation The legislature provides for the establishment of main units of organisation, like[4] departments, commissions and corporations for the implementation of various laws. But the details of internal organisation are to be filled in by the chief executive. Thc chief executive can also create new administrative agencies or reorganise the existing ones. The chief executive also prescribes, how the operating personnel shall perform certain or all of their duties. Thus the chief executive authorises the structure of the organisation. Issuing Directives, Proclamations, Orders etc. In order to make any decision really meaningful, it is necessary to convert it into effective action, which the chief executive achieves by directing. The chief executive issues directives, proclamations, orders etc. to make the administrative activities conform to the statutory provisions, directives, circulars etc. and to help in bringing about uniformity in the behaviour of people involved in the implementation of policies and programmes. The kind and number of directives, orders etc. issued by the chief executive sets up the tone of the adminristration.He has to direct the personnel to start or stop or modify an activity.. Appointment and Removal of Personnel It is the responsibility of the chief executive to see that the heads of different Departments perform their duties sincerely and efficiently. Hence he also has the power to select the officers. In almost all the countries the chief executive makes appointments to higher offices. In India, all important appointments such as that of State Governors, Ambassadors, Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court and State High Courts, the Attorney General, the Chairman and members of the Union Public Service Commission are made by the chief executive. Recruitment of administrators to other ranks is made by Public Service Commission on the basis of competitive examinations. So even where merit system of recruitment normally prevails, key appointments are made by the chief executive. In public and private organisations, key appointments are made by the chief executive. The recruitment of personnel is done under his supervision and with his due consent. The chief executive also has the power of dismissal or demotion of public servants, if he finds it necessary in the interests of administrative efficiency. Dismissals are subject to certain constitutional arrangements. In the removal of personnel of the lower cadre he is guided by the Civil Service Rules. Coordination of Various Executive Activities Modern administration consists of various departments, commissions, divisions and sections each performing a specialised part of the function. In order to create unity in[5] this huge mass of diversified activities, a very high degree of coordination and integration is needed. The chief executive has to bring harmony, settle conflicts and guard against overlapping and duplication in administrative activities. For this, he may create inter-departmental committees .and other coordinating agencies at various levels. Thus coordination is one of the most important functions of the chief executive. It is his foremost duty to see that numerous activities undertaken by several departments in implementation of a particular policy lead to fulfilment of administrative goals.
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